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深圳英语培训:生活英语情景口语 My Dream Home 我的梦想家园

编辑:深圳拓业培训学校     编辑时间:2014-08-12    阅览次数:1968
   生活英语情景口语  My Dream Home 我的梦想家园
  Dialogue 情景对话1:
  W: Have u had a thought about your ideal home?
  M: I have actually. I've always wanted to build my dream home myself.
  W: What would it be like?
  M: Well, they will be spacious and located next to a park, because a nice view is important to me.
  W: How many rooms would it have?
  M: I'd want to have three bedrooms on the second floor, with balconies on each and one main bedroom on the main floor with an attach on the sweet. I'd also want a large living room in the kitchen connected to each other. So there would be one large open space for people to spend time with each other.
  W: how many bathrooms would your dream home have?
  M: I’d have one guest bedroom in the basement, one attached the main bedroom and one upstairs, so a totally three.
  W: How would you decorate your house?
  M: I don’t like a lot of cluster, so I won’t have a lot of things out, I would have a few vases on the mental piece and some pictures of family on the walls, but other in that, most things will be captain clothes.
  W: How many TVs would your dream room have?
  M: I think TV is the great waste of time, so I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning.
  Dialogue 情景对话2:
  M: Have you ever seen Bill Gates’ home on the internet?
  W: No, what’s the like?
  M: It’s got its own library, theatre, swimming pool and a guest house. The house itself has about ten different rooms that all hold up to computers see you get studying each room through one more control. It’s also located near the sea, sweeping park is boats next to its house. it’s absolutely amazing.
  W: Would you love to live there?
  M: I think the house is fantastic, but I won’t want to live there. You’d have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens and probably a pair to take care of the children. It’s just too big of a place to take care of your own.
  W: What’s your dream home like then?
  M: My dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quiet village in England.
  W: Would you want to buy a cottage or build a new on yourself?
  M: All the homes are great because they’ve got character, other in that’s important.
  W: Is that why you wear secondhand clothes well because they’ve got character?
  M: No, that’s just because I don’t have enough money to buy new clothes all the time.
  W: I see, if you live in the old house, would it be decorated in the modern way?
  M: NO, I definitely try to restore it to its original state, I’d love to imagine what it be like to live in another timing history and living in the house decorated like it would be two hundred years ago will be a great way to feed my imagination even more.
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