深圳英语培训哪家好,不 知道大家有没有注意到,在办公区域、在社交场合、在面试过程中,我们几乎随时都会和别人谈到自己的工作。你来公司多久了?你的职位是什么?你每天的工作都 有哪些内容?你参与过哪些项目?既然工作那些事儿在我们的生活中占据了如此大的比重,那么今天教研就和大家聊聊如何用英语谈论自己的工作。
A: Ah, the burgers here are amazing. Have you tried them?
S: I have. My company has parties here sometimes. Always great food.
A: Oh, I bet.
接下来,Amy很自然地询问Stella在公司工作了多久:"So how long have you been working at Biosociates?" Stella的回答是:"I've been there since 2007. I started right after I got my BS in computer science."
I've been working as an HR assistant for the last four years.(职位头衔、任职时长)
I've been with Henderson since leaving college. (公司名称、任职时长)
I started here two years ago after I got my master's degree in Biology.(任职时长、教育背景)
I was a junior copywriter until I was promoted last summer.(职位头衔、升职经历)
I changed careers in the mid-90s and became a teacher.(职位名称、职业转变)
A: And what are your day-to-day duties like?
S: Basically, I'm the go-to person for everything IT.
A: In what way?
S: Well, for the most part, it's mainly trouble shooting and training. But I alsosupervise the help desk.
A: Sounds like a lot. Have you worked on many specific projects?
S: Sure. I wrote up the tax support manuals for employees; you know, taking on some of the most common issues so that they can do some trouble shooting for themselves.
日常工作事务(trouble shooting, training and supervise the help desk)
正在或曾经参与的项目(wrote up the tax support manuals)
今天教研君和大家分享的是如何用英语谈论工作。不知道大家有没有收获呢?现在,大家可以找小伙伴结对练习下面的问题;也可以自问自答,巩固今天学到的内容。How long have you been working at your company?
What is your position?
What are your day-to-day duties like?
Have you worked on many specific projects?