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编辑:深圳拓业培训学校     编辑时间:2015-03-02    阅览次数:1358
  1. scribe(v.),script(n.)(graph)=to write
  describe(描述) de(加强)scribe(写)
  Paul started to describe a couple of broadleaf trees on the paper.
  She described her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.
  1) description(n.描述、描写)
  description of the thief
  2) descriptive(adj.描述性的)
  The descriptive passage in the novel
  3) prescribe(v.规定、指定、要求) pre=before scribe=write
  He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.
  The prescribed form must be completed and returned to this office.
  4) manuscript(n.手稿) manu=hand
  He sent the 400-page manuscript to his publisher.
  an unpublished/original manuscript
  5) postscript(n.附言,后记) post=after
  News of the award comes as a fitting postscript to a long and successful career.
  6) subscribe(v.赞同、捐赠、订阅、签名、署名) sub=under
  subscribe one’s name to a petition
  Which journals does the library subscribe to?
  I subscribe ¥10 a month to the charity.
  The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers.
  7) subscriber(n.捐赠者、订阅者)
  subscribers to ‘New Scientist’
  subscribers to cable television
  8) subscription(n.)
  9) scribble(v.胡写、乱花) le=little,small
  He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving.
  She scribbled down her phone number and pushed it into his hand.
  Throughout the interview the journalists scribbled away furiously.
  Someone had scribbled all over table in crayon.
  2. circum=around,on all sides
  circumstance circum(周围) stance(站)
  (考)under no circumstances 无论如何不,决不;
  in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,(情况)既然如此
  Under the circumstances can we betray our country.
  1) circumscribe(v.在...周围划线、限定、限制) circum=around
  The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law.
  fields circumscribed by tall trees
  a life circumscribed by poverty
  circumscribe one’s interests
  The board sought to circumscribe the chairman’s authority.
  2) circumscription(n.)
  3) circumlocution(v. 绕圈子) locut=say
  I asked him to cut the circumlocution and get to the point.
  Politicians are experts in circumscription.
  4) circumnavigate(v. 环游) nav=boat ig=drive
  The island is so small that you can circumnavigate it in less than an hour.
  Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.
  Circumnavigate the downtown traffic.
  5) circumspect(adj. 慎重的 ) spect=look
  Since the accident.the bus company is much more circumspect about hiring inexperienced drivers.
  He is circumspect refusing to say anything about the story.
  Intermediate(adj.) inter(在...之间,相互) medi(中间)ate(具有...的)
  Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid.
  intermediate stage/ step in a process
  an intermediate coursebook
  1) intercept(v. 拦截) inter=between cept=take(在中间抓住,夺取)
  letter was intercepted.
  Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave the hotel.
  2) Interception (n.) the interception of enemy radio signals
  3) Interceptor (n.拦截者、拦截机)
  4) Interrupt (v.打断) rupt=break(在其间打碎)
  They were interrupted by a knock at the door.
  Regular programming was interrupted for an important news bulletin.
  5) Interruption (n.) an interruption to the powder supply
  The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.
  6) interrupter (n.)
  7) intervene(介入、干预、干涉) (inter=between ven=come来到其间)
  The president intervened personally in the crisis.
  She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened.
  They were planning to get married and then the war intervened.
  I try not to intervene in the disputes among my children.
  8) intervention (n.)
  call for government intervention to save the steel industry
  armed/military intervention
  9) intersect(inter=between sect+cut 在其间截断,切断)
  The path intersected with a busy road.
  The road intersects the highway a mile from here.
  Take a left where this Street Intersects a dirt road in about a mile.
  10) intersection
  interaction inter(在...之间,相互) act(行动)
  Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.
  the interaction between performers and their audience.
  the interaction of bacteria with the body’s natural chemistry.
  Let’s practise
  INTERSECT at Miller's Crossroads
  a) cross through b) do away with c) do without d) get out
  INTERVENE in a family dispute
  a) meddle in b) discuss c) end d) provoke
  INTERCEPT the pass
  a) throw b) cut off c) miss d) reach for
  INTERRUPT his speech
  a) stop b) continue c) maintain d) praise
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