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编辑:深圳拓业培训学校     编辑时间:2015-01-12    阅览次数:1975
   My dearest,
  You've gone.And I can never get you back again——except by talking to you.It's childish,I know.But perhaps it will give me some relief from the pent-up sorrow that makes me feel as if my heart will burst.
  How often we gently scorned the people who used euphemisms for death!“She has left us.”“He has passed over.”Where was their strength,we wondered,that they could not acknowledge death for what it was,and speak of it as death?I understand them a little better now.But at least I will demand of myself the will to call death by itsown name.
  I know what they were trying to do.They were attempting to conceal the ultimate finality……at least until they could bear it.Nature bestows a numbness on us at first,giving us time to adjust to the brutal truth.But the numbness does not last long enough,and the truth breaks through the veil and stabs us again and again.
  Friends have been marvelous.They have surrounded me with affection and concern;they talk or fall silent as they perceive my mood;they bring gifts of flowers or themselves;they plan little outings and include me in their gatherings.They write letters that make the tears stream down my face,because they appreciated you so……they tell me,in warm words,how sweet you were,how brilliant,how witty,how talented,and how blessed they were to know you.It is a comfort to read of their appreciation,to realize that they were aware of all your wonderful qualities.But my loss,as I go over their words,grows greater and greater.I am utterly bereft.I have been abandoned;I feel as if apart of me has been amputated.For we were soclose,we knew each other so well,we were so attuned to each other's moods——different though we were in a dozen respects.
  There was one letter that helped me more than most.It came from an editor whom you never met.She told me something which has been a kind of bulwark,for she said,“No one truly dies who is remembered with love.”
  And I know this is true.I remember you with love.I remember everything about you,with undying love.When I think I cannot stand the loneliness any more,something will come to mind,something that I loved in you and it gives me the courage,if only momentarily,to go on.
  So that is what I will do,as I write to you.I will think of the things that made our life together the charmed experience it was.I will remember you with love.
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