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编辑:深圳拓业培训学校     编辑时间:2015-01-02    阅览次数:1680
  Statuscation is a new word coined to characterize the nowcommonplace activity of sharing your holiday plans on socialnetworks. The idea is that by communicating your plans toothers, from the point you book through to unpacking yoursuitcase when it's all over, you'll prolong your enjoyment for as long as possible.
        Typical stages of the statuscation include posting pictures of your tickets, uploading snaps of thedeparture board, runway and view from the plane window, selfies and legsies in breathtakinglocations (appropriately captioned of course), and making online connections with new foundcompanions on your return. All this sharing of photos, excitement and happy memories mean thatrather than only lasting a couple of weeks, the holiday vibe can be kept going for several months.
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