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编辑:深圳拓业培训学校     编辑时间:2014-10-30    阅览次数:1521
   A fool never learns. ^傻瓜永远学不会。
  Anything will do! ^什么都行!
  Are you pulling my leg? ^你在开我玩笑吗?
  Beautiful job. ^绝世佳作。
  By no means! ^绝不可能!
  Can you give me some feedback? ^你能给我一些建议吗?
  Come in and make yourself at home. ^请进,别客气。
  Cross my heart! ^真心话!
  Do you have a room available? ^你们有空房间吗?
  Don’t be so fussy! ^别挑剔了!
  Don’t count to me! ^别指望我!
  Don’t give up. ^别放弃。
  Don’t mention it! ^别客气!
  Don’t take it for granted. ^不要想当然。
  Don’t you dare come back again! ^你敢再回来!
  Enjoy your trip. ^旅途愉快。
  Fill it up. ^加满油。
  Free of charge. ^免费。
  Give him the works! ^给他点教训!
  Great minds think alike! ^英雄所见略同!
  Have you got anything larger? ^有大一点的吗?
  He’s all talk. ^她光说不练。
  Hot air. ^胡扯。
  How long will it take me to get there? ^到那儿要多长时间?
  I apologize. ^我很抱歉。
  I can’t believe it. ^我简直不敢相信。
  I can’t seem to get to sleep. ^我好像睡不着。
  I couldn’t reach him! ^我联络不上他!
  I don’t have the nerve to do it. ^我没胆去做。
  I envy you. ^我羡慕你。
  I got sick and tired of hotels. ^我讨厌旅馆。
  I haven’t the slightest idea. ^我一点儿都不知道。
  I mean it. I’m serious. I’m no kidding! ^我是认真的。
  I swear I’ll never tell anyone. ^我发誓不告诉任何人。
  I wasn’t born yesterday. ^我又不是三岁小孩。
  I’d like to make a reservation. ^我想订票。
  I’ll consider this matter. ^我会考虑这件事的。
  I’ll never forgive you! ^我永远都不会饶恕你!
  I’ll think it over. ^我仔细考虑一下。
  I’m always punctual. ^我总是很准时。
  I’m fed up. ^我厌倦了。
  I’m looking for a part time job. ^我正在找兼职工作。
  I’m off now. ^我现在要走了。
  I’m so scared. ^我怕极了。
  I’m working on it. ^我正在努力。
  If I were in your shoes. ^如果我是你的话。
  It can’t be helped. ^无能为力。
  It really comes in handy. ^有了它真是方便。
  It won’t work. ^行不通。
  It’s a piece of cake. ^这很容易。
  It’s been a long time. ^好久不见了。
  It’s just what I had in mind. ^这正是我想要的。
  It’s on me. ^我来付账。
  It’s very annoying. ^真烦人。
  Keep in touch. ^保持联系。
  Let me get back to you. ^我过一会儿打给你吧。
  Let’s get going. ^我们该走了。
  Let’s keep in touch. ^让我们保持联系。
  Make water. ^小便。
  Maybe some other time. ^改天吧。
  Never mind that. ^请别介意。
  None of your business! ^不关你的事!
  Old chum. ^老朋友。
  Please let me know. ^请告诉我一声。
  Same old story. ^又是那一套。
  She is sick in bed. ^她卧病在床。
  Shut up! ^闭嘴!
  Sooner or later. ^迟早会的。
  Stick with me. ^紧跟着我。
  Take a seat. ^请坐。
  Thank you for everything. ^感谢你做的一切。
  That rings a bell. ^我总算想起来了。
  That’s a touchy issue! ^这是个棘手的问题!
  That’s life. ^这就是生活。
  That’s terrible. ^真糟糕!
  The deuce. ^糟糕。
  There is nothing on your business! ^没你的事!
  This for sale? ^这个卖不卖?
  Two heads are better than one. ^人多智广。
  We have thirty minutes to kill. ^我们有30分钟空闲时间。
  What a mess! ^真乱啊!
  What brings you to Beijing? ^什么风把你吹到北京来的?
  What for? ^这是干嘛?
  What’s bothering you? ^什么在困扰你?
  What’s the purpose? ^什么目的呢?
  What’s your problem? ^你怎么回事啊?
  Where can I wash my hands? ^请问洗手间在哪里?
  Who is to blame? ^该怪谁?
  You are just saying that. ^你只是说说而已。
  You can count on me. ^你可以指望我。
  You did a good job. ^你干得很好。
  You look very serious about something. ^你似乎有很严重的事。
  You never tell the truth! ^你从来就不说实话!
  You’ll be sorry. ^你会后悔的。
  You’re going too far! ^你太过分了!
  You’ve dialed the wrong number. ^你拨错电话号码了。
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